Call Us: 847-543-4355

Apex Fitness Friends
Mary Metscaviz
(847) 543-9300
143 Center St., Grayslake, IL. 60030
The following companies are friends of Apex Fitness, we h​ighly recommend their services to all of our members and their friends and relatives.

Here are trusted partner companies and organizations recommended by Apex Fitness.
​Awesome Nails
Any companies wishing to be friends or partners with Apex Fitness should contact Doug at (847) 543-4355 or for more information.
(847) 604-3340
P.O. Box 523, Grayslake, IL. 60030
​Grayslake Galaxy Soccer Club
(877) 863-2121
180 W. Adams, Suite 300
Chicago, IL. 60603
RDS Runners Blog (Click Here)
​Research Downs Syndrome
Apex Fitness 
132 Allen St., Suite C 
Grayslake, IL 60030
(847) 543-4355