Mary Metscaviz
(847) 543-9300
143 Center St., Grayslake, IL. 60030
The following companies are friends of Apex Fitness, we highly recommend their services to all of our members and their friends and relatives.
Here are trusted partner companies and organizations recommended by Apex Fitness.
Any companies wishing to be friends or partners with Apex Fitness should contact Doug at (847) 543-4355 or for more information.
(847) 604-3340
P.O. Box 523, Grayslake, IL. 60030
Grayslake Galaxy Soccer Club
(877) 863-2121
180 W. Adams, Suite 300
Chicago, IL. 60603
Apex Fitness
132 Allen St., Suite C
Grayslake, IL 60030
(847) 543-4355